14:00 - 15:30
Room: Physics – Seminar Room
Stream: Space, Pace, Ace: Navigating Creative Rooms For Productivity in Africa
Tom Penfold
Food on the Go, Cape Verdean Style: The Everyday Foodscape in Two Cities
Kaian Lam
University Institute of Lisbon, Lisbon

Praia and Assomada are two major cities situated on the island of Santiago, Cape Verde. They are towns that host dynamic marketplaces, petty trades and spontaneous peddling. The two are connected by a highway and served by passenger vans. In and around municipal markets, entrepreneurs offer the widest selection possible of staples, including fruits, vegetables, chickens and suckling pigs, fried snacks, ready-cooked meals and iced water. Casual sellers sit waiting for customers in public squares and by roadsides. They occupy spots where vehicles stop. They are in their own front gardens, under the shades and outside schools. This paper examines the everyday foodscape of two Cape Verdean cities. It is based on a broad understanding of Cape Verdean society and culture and presents the initial results from brief exploratory field experiences in Cape Verde. The research concerns how food is part of the human movements and activities that characterize Cape Verdean urban living. It also asks how Cape Verdeans relate to food and what this reflects about habits and socioeconomic statuses. Seen from within, the Cape Verdean local foodscape is a generative and regenerative ecology that promotes human interactions and role shifting, bolsters community support and democratizes the access to economical but healthful sustenance and nourishment.

Tu-A40 Space 2-P-002
Kaian Lam
Presentation type:
Physics – Seminar Room
Tom Penfold
Tuesday, 11 September
14:15 - 14:30
Session times:
14:00 - 15:30