11:20 - 13:00
Protest, Civil Resistance, and Dissent
Room: Club D
Panel Session 12
Shiyi Xia - Explaining the Logic of Protesters' Violence Targeting
Manuel Vogt - El agua vale más que el oro: Mining, Self-Rule, and Protest
Adrienne LeBas - Repression and dissent in moments of uncertainty: Panel data evidence from Zimbabwe
Lennart Schürmann - Do Restrictions of Protest Rights Provoke Protest Participation? Evidence from the Spanish Law on Citizen Security
Shiyi Xia
University of Essex
Simon Bornschier 1, Manuel Vogt 2
1 University of Zurich, 2 University College London
Adrienne LeBas 1, Lauren Young 2
1 American University, 2 University of California at Davis