15:00 - 16:40
Populist Appeals and Voting Behaviour
Room: South Room 221
Panel Session 9
Selim Erdem Aytaç, Ali Çarkoğlu - The Mobilizing Effect of Populist Messages: A Survey Experiment in Turkey
Markus Kollberg - Winning Votes or Changing Minds? How Populist Arguments Affect Candidate Evaluations and Issue Positions
Natalia Garbiras-Díaz - Disentangling the Roots and Electoral Consequences of Citizen Anti-Establishment Sentiments
Selim Erdem Aytaç, Ali Çarkoğlu
Koç University
Markus Kollberg 1, Benjamin Lauderdale 1, Christopher Wratil 2
1 University College London, 2 University of Vienna
Natalia Garbiras-Díaz 1, Loreto Cox 2
1 European University Institute, 2 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile