09:00 - 11:00
Room: Room 105
Emily Dąbrowski
Michael Nilges: Computational methods for structure determination
Alessandra Carbone: Soft disorder, interactions and assembly paths
Maria Agnese Morando:  Selected talk from abstracts: Combined experimental and computational approach to provide new insights in mussels adhesion
Anne Florence Bitbol: Protein language models: data representation and generative properties
11:00 - 11:30
Coffee break
11:30 - 13:15
Room: Room 203
Aaron Sørensen
Janez Plavec: The world of RNA structure
Karolina Mitusińska:  Selected talk from abstracts: Assessment of the accuracy of AlphaFold prediction on metamorphic proteins

Paolo De Los Rios - Computational findings for the Hsp70 chaperone: What co-evolution and AlphaFold are telling us about structure and interactions (and can we trust them?)
Gaetano Montelione: Guiding analysis of experimental NMR data with AlphaFold models
13:15 - 14:30
14:30 - 17:00
Room: Room 204
Mathias Nakamura
David Baker: Protein design using deep learning
Yogesh Kalakoti:  Selected talk from abstracts: Transformer-based molecular embeddings for modeling drug-target interactions and recommending probable leads
Bruno Correia: Reading and writing protein function through learned surface fingerprints 
Coffee break
Alexandre Bonvin Solving 3D puzzles of biomolecular interactions by integrative modelling
18:00 - 19:00
Tour of the Hofburg Imperial Palace
Vienna City Centre
19:30 - 22:00
Dinner at the Steirereck
Vienna City Centre