17:45 - 20:00
Vicente Valentim
Daniel Bischof
Meeting Room O

Nerea Gándara Guerra
We are your pack: feminism mobilization and social change

Laure Bokobza
Taxation, Protests and Autocratic Regime Stability

Simón Escoffier, Rodolfo Disi Pavlic, Anna Clemente
Uncivil mobilization or countermobilization? Explaining anti-rights collective action in Chile

Nina Barzachka
To Resign or Not to Resign: Why Incumbents Ignore Peaceful Mass Protests?

Manuel Sola Rodríguez
Using the Space to (not) Voicing Preferences: Empirical Evidence From Catalonia
Uncivil mobilization or countermobilization? Explaining anti-rights collective action in Chile
Simón Escoffier 2, Rodolfo Disi Pavlic 3, Anna Clemente 1
1 European University Institute
2 Universidad Autónoma de Chile
3 Temuco Catholic University

We explain anti-rights protests in Chile drawing on social movement and power devaluation theories. To understand this phenomenon, we use regression analyses of longitudinal, municipal-level data and case studies of three recent movements.

Movements seeking to restrict others’ rights have increased across the world in the past few decades. Their activists struggle to defend privilege and preclude the social inclusion of historically disenfranchised groups such as women, ethnic, sexual and gender minorities, and immigrants. We call these groups anti-rights movements. Despite the global importance of these movements, no studies have so far systematically analyzed their emergence in Latin America. Drawing on social movement and power devaluation theory, we evaluate the social, cultural and political causes of anti-rights mobilization in Chile. The explanations we find highlight the reactive quality of protest events and the role that supportive political authorities play in triggering them. To reach these results, we use a mixed-methods design. First, we use longitudinal, municipal-level data from the COES Social Conflict Observatory to carry out zero-inflated negative binomial regressions of anti-rights protests events between 2009-2019. Second, we illustrate the processes behind these mobilizations with three case studies: movements against the right to abortion (2015), transgender rights (2017), and indigenous people’s rights (2020).