11:20 - 13:00
Party competition and challenger parties
Room: South Room 220
Panel Session 7
Mirko Wegemann - Intra-Party Preference Heterogeneity and Issue Emphasis. Niche Parties and Social Policy.
Elisabetta Girardi - On the increasing electoral relevance of labour market outsiders: Evidence from the Italian case
Jonathan Slapin - "Challenging the challengers: Do intraparty divisions help parties fight electoral threats from new parties?"
Matthias Avina - What's in a Brand? Party Rebranding in Europe
Jonathan Slapin 1, Dominik Duell 3, Lea Kaftan 5, Sven-Oliver Proksch 2, Christopher Wratil 4
1 University of Zurich, 2 University of Cologne, 3 University of Innsbruck, 4 University of Vienna, 5 University of Witten/Herdecke
Matthias Avina
University of Pittsburgh