11:20 - 13:00
Autocratic and populist communication
Room: South Room 225
Panel Session 2
Lisa Zehnter - There’s no such thing as one people Systematizing group-references in populist political communication
Lanabi la Lova - How Russia Sets Its News Agenda at Home
Julia Leschke - Populist and anti-populist positions in parties. Measuring populism in multi-lingual parliamentary speeches and manifestos.
Bruno Castanho Silva - Populists and the Spread of Covid-19 Conspiracies on Facebook in Seven European Countries
Florian Schaffner - A Machine Learning Approach to Analyze Populist and Governmental Rhetoric during the Coronavirus Pandemic
Lanabi la Lova
Bruno Castanho Silva 1, Rosario Aguilar 2, Federico Vegetti 3
1 Cologne Center for Comparative Politics (CCCP), University of Cologne, 2 Newcastle University, 3 University of Turin
Florian Schaffner 1, Joerg Friedrichs 1, Giuliano Formisano 1, Niklas Stoehr 2
1 University of Oxford, 2 ETH Zurich