09:30 - 11:10
Welfare State, Welfare Chauvinism and Inequality
Room: South Hall 2B
Panel Session 11
Anna Clemente, Giuliano Formisano - Are we all in this together? Using transfer learning to study changes in redistribution attitudes during COVID-19
Alberto de Leon - Referendum as mobilization shocks. Political parties and voters over nationalism issue.
Gloria Gennaro - Welfare competition and exclusionary attitudes: evidence from a French housing policy
Leo Ahrens - The electoral consequences of welfare state changes: a sober look at the evidence
Chitralekha Basu - Realignment on the Left: From Liberalism to Socialism
Gloria Gennaro
ETH Zurich, Immigration Policy Lab
Leo Ahrens 1, Frank Bandau 2
1 Free University of Berlin, 2 University of Bamberg
Chitralekha Basu 1, Carles Boix 2, Jordi Muñoz 3, Sonia Giurumescu 4
1 University of Cologne, 2 Princeton University, 3 University of Barcelona, 4 Stockholm University
Anna Clemente 1, Giuliano Formisano 2
1 European University Institute, 2 University of Oxford, Oxford Internet Institute