16:50 - 18:30
Corruption and Clientelism
Room: South Hall 2B
Panel Session 5
Abhit Bhandari, Erin York - Political Connections, Patronage, and Consumer Attitudes: Evidence from Morocco
Andy Harris - Does Improving Electoral Access Facilitate Clientelism? A Reassessment of Theory and Evidence
Sarah Engler - The nature of party-voter linkages and party change in Central and Eastern Europe
Sergiu Lipcean - Does state funding of political parties reduce political corruption? Evidence from the post-communist space
Abhit Bhandari 1, Erin York 2
1 Temple University, 2 Vanderbilt University
Andy Harris 1, Daniel De Kadt 2
1 New York University Abu Dhabi, 2 Independent
Sarah Engler, Jelle Koedam
University of Zurich