09:30 - 11:10
Vote Choice and Parties
Room: North Hall
Panel Session 1
Anke Tresch - Explaining the (in-)stability of voters’ issue ownership perceptions
Jeffrey Nonnemacher - The Black Sheep Effect: Do Voters Punish Parties Who Deviate from the Party Family?
Florian Weiler - Preference voting and voter biases based on gender: Evidence from individual-level ballot data
Rosario Aguilar - Citizens’ Support for Populist or Programmatic Policies in Young Democracies: The Role of Emotions
Lionel Marquis 1, Anke Tresch 1, 2
1 University of Lausanne, 2 FORS
Florian Weiler 1, Jana Belschner 2, Raimondas Ibenskas 3
1 Central European University, 2 Chr. Michelsen Institute, 3 University of Bergen