15:00 - 16:40
Trade and Welfare State
Room: South Room 223
Panel Session 14
Sofia Vasilopoulou - Perceptions of power and support for international trade in post-Brexit UK
Vishali Sairam, Vincent Heddesheimer, Joanna Bryson - Economic Insecurity Increases Polarization and Decreases Trust
Alexander Pacek - The Welfare State and Human Well Being 1980-2021: A Global Perspective
Alexandra Jabbour - The political consequences of a surge in housing prices
Sofia Vasilopoulou 1, Liisa Talving 2, Dan Keith 1
1 University of York, 2 University of Tartu
Vishali Sairam 1, Vincent Heddesheimer 2, Joanna Bryson 1
1 Hertie School, 2 Princeton University
Alexander Pacek 1, Emma Schmidt 1, Benjamin Radcliff 1
1 Texas A&M University, 2 University of Notre Dame, 3 University of Notre Dame
Alexandra Jabbour
University of Montreal