15:00 - 16:40
Voter Turnout
Room: South Room 222
Panel Session 9
Stuart Fox - Social Action as a Route to the Ballot Box: Volunteering & First-Time Voting in the UK
Andreas Goldberg - Voting without a formed habit - Contextual effects on young citizens’ turnout decision
Andreas Videbæk Jensen - Get Out The Voice: Field Experimental Evidence on the Political Participation of Young Voters
Jonas Elis - Differences in Socialisation, Resources or Mobilisation? Explaining the Lower Turnout among Immigrant-Origin Voters in the 2021 Immigrant German Election Study
Ignacio Jurado, Joaquin Artes - The Effect of Compulsory Civic Duty on Political Participation
Andreas Goldberg 1, Pascal Sciarini 2
1 Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), 2 University of Geneva
Andreas Videbæk Jensen, Simon Calmar Andersen
Department of Political Science, Aarhus University
Ignacio Jurado 2, Joaquin Artes 1
1 Complutense University, 2 Carlos III University