13:10 - 14:50
Room: Meeting Room 2.3
Panel Session 8
Nazli Avdan, Andrew Rosenberg - Good Fences Make Good Neighbors: Effects of Fences on International Diffusion of Terrorism
Christian Oswald - Margin of (t)error: Predicting terrorism in civil conflicts for theory building and improvement
Brian Phillips - What’s in a Name? Examining the Impact of Terrorist Group Designation on the Demise of Ethnically-Motivated Rebel Groups
Max Schaub - Global terrorism and local extremist violence
Avishay Ben Sasson-Gordis, Alon Yakter - Terrorism Everywhere: Public Opinion Response to Framing Non-violent Adversary Actions as Terror
NAZLI AVDAN 1, Andrew Rosenberg 2
1 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS (KU), 2 University of Florida
Max Schaub 1, Eylem Kanol 2
1 University of Hamburg, 2 WZB Berlin Social Science Center
Avishay Ben Sasson-Gordis 1, Alon Yakter 2
1 Harvard University, 2 Tel Aviv University