13:10 - 14:50
Room: South Hall 2A
Panel Session 3
Mariaelisa Epifanio - Determinants of legalisation of recreational marijuana in the USA
Monika Nalepa - Justice or Practicality: The Operation of Vetting Commissions in the Process of Purging the Enforcement Apparatus in Poland
Albert Solé-Ollé - The power of developers: evidence from California
Joaquin Artes, Ignacio Jurado - Roads and Connectivity: Measuring the Efficiency of Infrastructure Spending
Sebastian Fehrler - Improving State Capacity to Target Extreme Poverty: An Evaluation of a Randomized Intervention in Bangladesh
Roads and Connectivity: Measuring the Efficiency of Infrastructure Spending
Presented by: Joaquin Artes, Ignacio Jurado
Joaquin Artes 1, Fernando De la Cuesta 1, Ignacio Jurado 2
1 Complutense University
2 Carlos III University
The literature on distributive politics has analysed extensively which districts get more distributive benefits,. This paper takes a step further by exploring which areas get more effcieint pork barrel. We use a novel dataset with geo-localized road infrastructures in Spain for the period 1981-2015. We are able to compute the increases in connectivity of each municipality in Spain for each electoral term in this year. This allows us to have a more precise measure of infrasctructure allocation and analyse both whether core or swing regions get more efficient spending and its electoral returns.