15:00 - 16:00
Challenges to support Official Statistics production with new data sources in emergency situations
Emanuele BALDACCI (Eurostat- European Commission, Luxembourg)
Monica Scannapieco, Monica Pratesi
Orietta Luzi (Italian National Statistical Institute, Italy), Elise Coudin (INSEE - Statistics France, France), Piet Daas (Statistics Netherlands, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands), Francesca Chiaromonte (Sant'Anna Schoool of Advanceced Studies (Pisa, IT) and Penn State University (University Park, PA USA), Italy)
Survey-based data collection can suffer in emergency times, due for instance to the reduced availability of respondents. Having the possibility to use new data sources, like Big Data ones, can help to face several problems related to survey-based production (e.g. missing responses), especially in the response phase of the emergency. In addition, in the phase of recovery from the emergency, such sources can be very useful to study new phenomena (e.g. economic impact of the emergency). In this setting, the panel will discuss technical and organizational challenges related to the use of Big Data sources for the production of statistics for the collective good in emergency scenarios.
Presenter: Piet Daas, (Email)
Statistics Netherlands, Eindhoven University of Technology