12:00 - 13:00
Fabio Ricciato (Eurostat, Luxembourg)
INTERSTAT – a project on Open Statistical Data Interoperability
Carlo Vaccari, (Email) 1, Franck Cotton, (Email) 2, Martino Maggio, (Email) 3, Stefano De Panfilis, (Email) 4, Roberto Di Bernardo, (Email) 3
1 ISTAT (Italy)
2 INSEE (France)
3 ENG - Engineering Ingegneria Informatica SpA (Italy)
4 FIWARE Foundation (Germany)

Funded in the framework of European CEF (Connecting Europe Facility), the INTERSTAT project will provide a set of solutions to enable interoperability among different national statistical portals and the European Data Portal. The main objective of the project is to achieve data harmonisation in the field of (linked) open data statistics and to provide standards, methodologies and a technical solution, deploying cross-border end-users services in statistical domains, reusing harmonised statistical data in combination with open dataset from European Data Portal and other national open data portals.